Final Stop on Meatlball Sundae Post2Post Virtual Book Tour

Welcome to all the visitors for the Post2Post Virtual Book Tour. We are featuring Seth Godin new book Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync? We'll be putting up some posts this morning, but first you may want to check out the other stops that have already been made this week.

Welcome to all the visitors for the Post2Post Virtual Book Tour.

We are featuring Seth Godin new book Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync?

We'll be putting up some posts this morning, but first you may want to check out the other stops that have already been made this week.

Monday - John Moore at Brand Autopsy summarized, questioned, and took Seth on a photo shoot.

Tuesday - Phil Gerbyshak at Make It Great interviewed Mr. Godin. The 30 minutes is available as a mp3 file or pdf transcript.

Wednesday - Martin Bishop at Brand Mix asked Seth five questions from the viewpoint of a Fortune 500 executive.

Thursday - Patrick Greer at SpinningSilk Multimedia talks with Seth about Star Trek, buying stories, and the forwarding email button.

Friday - You are here with us. We have a podcast with Seth, a ChangeThis manifesto, and a list of others who have talked about the book including our Jack Covert Selects of Meatball Sundae. Being a good bookseller, we also have a few of offers on Seth's books for those who have been following along.