In the Books 2008 - available now!

It's here! Our comprehensive look back at the year in business books, a publication we call In the Books: Most Notable Business Books 2008. Here is what you'll find inside: Introduction The Information Age Jack's Year in Review Todd's Year in Review An Insider's Perspective The 100 Best Business Books of All Time Introduction A Chronology of Business Books 100 Best Connections 100 Books.
It's here! Our comprehensive look back at the year in business books, a publication we call
In the Books: Most Notable Business Books 2008

Here is what you'll find inside: Introduction The Information Age Jack's Year in Review Todd's Year in Review An Insider's Perspective The 100 Best Business Books of All Time Introduction A Chronology of Business Books 100 Best Connections 100 Books. Three distinct perspectives. The 100 Best Checklist Society, Current Events, The World When Ecology and Economy Meet Financial Markets Business Books for the Next President Your Changing Customer The Shifting Landscape of Moving Ideas Manga Takes On American Business From the Blogs: Do You e-Read? The Human Factor For Women Only? Explorations Into the Human Psyche Books That Shape Careers From the Blogs: Rethinking Work 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards Business Nuts & Bolts Memos are Making a Comeback ChangeThis: Let's Get Persian Real-World Lessons in Leadership A Look Back at 2008 Jack Covert Selects The Best-Designed Covers of 2008 800-CEO-READ 2008 Bestsellers Stories Odd Intersections Industry Narratives & Business Biographies To purchase a copy for $24.95, click https://www.porchlightbooks.com" target=_new>here. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the annual this year: Robert Morris, Penelope Trunk, Hollis Heimbouch, Robbie Hartman, and many of our talented writers on staff here at 800-CEO-READ. And a special thanks to Joy Panos Stauber, our awesome designer and friend.