Jack Covert Selects - Today We Are Rich

Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence by Tim Sanders, Tyndale House Publishers, 190 Pages, $19. 99, Hardcover, March 2011, ISBN 9781414339115 Tim Sanders wrote an odd little book in 2002 that went on to sell tons of copies. That odd little book was called Love is the Killer App, and it continues to sell today.
Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence by Tim Sanders, Tyndale House Publishers, 190 Pages, $19.99, Hardcover, March 2011, ISBN 9781414339115

Tim Sanders wrote an odd little book in 2002 that went on to sell tons of copies. That odd little book was called Love is the Killer App, and it continues to sell today. His latest book, Today We Are Rich, is another odd little book and it deals with an odd subject—having total confidence.

As I was telling my colleague Jon how much I liked this book, he said that Tim Sanders was one of the few people who could actually write a book like this without it sounding silly, maudlin and even clich. He is right. First, Sanders has the street cred needed to pull it off. As a young man he held an executive position at Yahoo, and he already has a best-selling book to his credit. He has also lived a remarkable life. At the age of four, he was abandoned by his mother and was raised by his grandmother Billye. This book tells us of those early years, and it doesn't skip his "sideways" years.

Sanders has written one of the better self-help books I have ever read. Over the years I have discovered that believing in yourself is crucial to success, and Tim has given us seven principles to help us reach that total confidence. They are:

  • Feed your mind good stuff.
  • Move the conversation forward
  • Exercise your gratitude muscle
  • Give to be rich
  • Prepare yourself
  • Balance your confidence
  • Promise made, promise kept
As an example of the support material around each of these principles, the first section on feeding your mind suggests the following:
Most important, read good books. If your mind diet is weighted heavily toward good books, you'll enlighten your perspective and gain wisdom over time. I recommend this mix in your media diet: 25 percent media, 50 percent books, and the remaining 25 percent social and workstream (offline and online).
As you can tell from this quote, Tim Sanders gives you specific ideas that you can take to the bank. That is a true treasure and so is this book.