Jack Covert Selects: True North

True North: Discover your Authentic Leadership by Bill George with Peter Sims, Jossey Bass Publisher, 240 Pages, $27. 95 Hardcover, March 2007, ISBN 0787987514 Bill George is one of the people I would love to sit down with and drink a beer. His previous book, Authentic Leadership, was a strong seller and a strong book on the whole.
True North: Discover your Authentic Leadership by Bill George with Peter Sims, Jossey Bass Publisher, 240 Pages, $27.95 Hardcover, March 2007, ISBN 0787987514 Bill George is one of the people I would love to sit down with and drink a beer. His previous book, Authentic Leadership, was a strong seller and a strong book on the whole. He was the CEO for Medtronics and grew it like crazy and is now a professor at Harvard Business School. The title for this book comes from the idea that we all have a 'True North' within us and we need to follow that direction. The authors describe it as such: "True North is the internal compass that guides you successfully through life. It represents who you are as a human being at your deepest level. It is your orienting point—your fixed point in a spinning world—that helps you stay on track as a leader.