Other Reviews of Meatball Sundae

Here is a list of reviews to give you an idea of what other have been saying about Meatball Sundae: Jack Covert Selects - "Meatball Sundae is a wake-up call for companies to get rid of old ideas. I was captivated by the examples Godin uses to explain how the trends work, why the new marketing tactics don't work for many companies and how they can use this knowledge to grow and change along with the trends. This is a must-read for anyone who thinks that, by default, they have to use new media to sell their products.

Here is a list of reviews to give you an idea of what other have been saying about Meatball Sundae:

  • Jack Covert Selects - "Meatball Sundae is a wake-up call for companies to get rid of old ideas. I was captivated by the examples Godin uses to explain how the trends work, why the new marketing tactics don't work for many companies and how they can use this knowledge to grow and change along with the trends. This is a must-read for anyone who thinks that, by default, they have to use new media to sell their products."
  • Church of the Customer - Jackie actually eats a Meatball Sundae (no, not the book). Watch the video.
  • Gaping Void - Hugh asks Seth ten questions including "The fact that blogging changed your book writing style over time is well documented. Has anything come down the pike recently that's affected your blogging style?"
  • Bruce Clay - "What is a meatball sundae? A meatball is a worthwhile commodity. They are things we need and sold to everyone. The sundae is the hot fudge and the peanuts, the tactics of social media and the MySpace profiles."
  • Copyblogger - "Seth explains that you've got to reinvent your business to fit the realities of the new marketing (rather than the other way around), because ideas that spread through groups of people are far more powerful than ideas delivered at an individual. Those are Seth's words, and that's the best definition of social media marketing I've heard."
  • WebInkNow - "Godin says fourteen trends are completely remaking what it means to be a marketer. And while these trends are transforming organizations that have the right approaches, they are crippling the organizations that are stuck with nothing but meatballs. Once again, marketing is transforming what we make and how we make it."
  • MSNBC - Contributor Peter Hartlaub says "Chances we'll be using [Meatball Sundae] in 2017: A new marketing book comes along every few minutes, but this cool new coinage has some staying power."