The Rainmaker's Credo from How to Become a Rainmaker

In July of 2000, I wrote my first Jack Covert Selects on the book How to Become a Rainmaker. This is a book that has stayed with me over the years and is included in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. In the book Jeffrey Fox lists the Rainmaker's Credo.
In July of 2000, I wrote my first Jack Covert Selects on the book How to Become a Rainmaker. This is a book that has stayed with me over the years and is included in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. In the book Jeffrey Fox lists the Rainmaker's Credo.
Cherish customers at all times Treat customers as you would your best friend Listen to customers and decipher their needs Make (or give) customers what they need Price your product to its dollarized value Show customers the dollarized value of what they will get Teach customers to want what they need Make your product the way customers want it Get your product to your customers when they want it Give your customers a little extra, more than they expect Remind customers of the dollarized value they received Thank each customers sincerely and often Help customers pay you, so they won't be embarrased and go elsewhere Ask to do it again.