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"Failure can become nourishment if we are willing to get curious, show up vulnerable and human, and put rising strong into practice." Brene Brown
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We're giving away 20 copies of Thinking in New Boxes by Luc De Brabandere and Alan Iny, thanks to our friends at Random House. Sign up over on KnowledgeBlocks to win!
"Boxes can include, among many other things, ideas, approaches, philosophies, tactics, theories, patterns, and strategies.
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Have you ever driven to or from work only to arrive at your destination not remembering much at all about the drive? If someone asked you to describe the colors of the other houses on your street, could you? We often excuse our lack of attention or memory by saying that we are "on autopilot.
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After I posted my new inBubbleWrap article and giveaway last week, a friend commented with a link to a This American Life story which looked into the validity of Steve Poizner's written account of his time at Mount Pleasant, the high school where he, a successful Silicon Valley business man, volunteered to teach for a year in the early 2000's.
The accusation against Poizner is that he greatly exaggerated just how downtrodden the school and its students really were. He describes the neighborhood as having "[y]ellowing, weedy gardens" and "driveways marred by large oil spots or broken down cars," the school itself as "painted a surly brown" with "a big portal onto the campus.
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