The Art of Authenticity: Tools to Become an Authentic Leader and Your Best Self

We're all multifaceted. Management psychologist Karissa Thacker explains how be more effective by becoming more conscious, deliberate, and authentic in our leadership choices.

Management psychologist Karissa Thacker has a book entitled The Art of Authenticity being released today by Wiley.

Mary Laschinger, Chairman and CEO of Veritiv, says of the book:

"Today’s employees value a strong company culture of honesty, transparency and collaboration more than ever, and the connection between leadership behaviors and a company’s culture is inextricable. Karissa’s book provides insight into the leadership qualities needed to create a great work environment and to build a strong culture of employee engagement that leads to success."

In the video below, she explains what authenticity in leadership looks like, and what you'll learn in (and what she learned in the process of writing) the book.


Karissa Thacker - The Art of Authenticity from Planet Ten on Vimeo.


Karissa Thacker is the founder and president of Strategic Performance Solutions, Inc., a management-consulting firm focused on creating innovative solutions in the space of human performance and satisfaction at work. She is a widely respected management psychologist who has served as a consultant for over 200 Fortune 500 companies including UPS, Best Buy, and AT&T. She also serves as adjunct faculty at the Lerner School of Business at the University of Delaware.