The Real-Life MBA
The folks at HarperBusiness have your back, with a new book from Jack and Suzy Welch called The Real-Life MBA: Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career. As they write in the book's introduction:
Business is not a "me" thing, it's a "we" thing.
It's an "I'll take all the advice and ideas and help I an get" thing.
And they're here to offer a wealth of it.
As Suzy Welch says in the video below: "This is a book for people who think that work should not be a grind. ... It is a book for people who want to take work and make it into the great, fun, successful celebration that it should be where people's lives get better as organizations get better."
As Jack says, "This is a $25 investment." And that's list price! You're probably not going to pay list price. All you really need to invest is your time and an open mind, and you can earn yourself a Real-Life MBA.