2006 Bestsellers (a little late)
Some folks started asking us for the 2006 bestsellers. Some how we forgot to do this right after the New Year, and I know many of you are dying to hear the results.
One note on methodology: We award points to a book's position on our monthly list, as well as the number of months it appears on our lists.
Without further ado...
800-CEO-READ's 2006 Best-Selling Books
- It's Your Ship by Michael Abrashoff (Warner Business)
- The Ultimate Question by Fred Reichheld (Harvard Business School Press)
- Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne (Harvard Business School Press)
- Dealing With Darwin by Geoffrey Moore (Portfolio)
- The Ice Cream Maker by Subir Chowdhury (Currency)
- Blueprint To A Billion by David Thomson (Wiley)
- I've Seen A Lot Of Famous People Naked, And They've Got Nothing On You! by Jake Steinfeld (AMACOM)
- If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris (Currency)
- One Billion Customers by James MacGregor (Free Press)
- Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble (Harvard Business School Press)
- Satisfaction by Chris Denove and James D. Power IV (Portfolio)
- Treasure Hunt by Michael Silverstein and John Butman (Portfolio)
- Redefining Healthcare by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg (Harvard Business School Press)
- The Power to Predict by Vivek Ranadive (McGraw-Hill)
- The Millionaire Real Estate Mindset by Russ Whitney (Currency)
- More Than 85 Broads by Janet Hanson (McGraw-Hill)
- Don't Retire, Rewire by Jeri Sedlar and Rick Miners (Alpha Books)
- Make Money, Not Excuses by Jeam Chatzky (Crown)
- Inside Every Woman by Vickie Milazzo (Wiley)
- The Cycle of Leadership by Noel Tichy with Nancy Cardwell (Collins)
- The Big Moo by The Group of 33, edited by Seth Godin (Portfolio)
- Small Is The New Big by Seth Godin (Portfolio)
- The Long Tail by Chris Anderson (Hyperion)
- Breaking The Bamboo Ceiling by Jane Hyun (Collins)
- Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters by Allen Fishman (McGraw-Hill)