2006 Bestsellers (a little late)

Some folks started asking us for the 2006 bestsellers. Some how we forgot to do this right after the New Year, and I know many of you are dying to hear the results. One note on methodology: We award points to a book's position on our monthly list, as well as the number of months it appears on our lists.

Some folks started asking us for the 2006 bestsellers. Some how we forgot to do this right after the New Year, and I know many of you are dying to hear the results.

One note on methodology: We award points to a book's position on our monthly list, as well as the number of months it appears on our lists.

Without further ado...

800-CEO-READ's 2006 Best-Selling Books

  1. It's Your Ship by Michael Abrashoff (Warner Business)
  2. The Ultimate Question by Fred Reichheld (Harvard Business School Press)
  3. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne (Harvard Business School Press)
  4. Dealing With Darwin by Geoffrey Moore (Portfolio)
  5. The Ice Cream Maker by Subir Chowdhury (Currency)
  6. Blueprint To A Billion by David Thomson (Wiley)
  7. I've Seen A Lot Of Famous People Naked, And They've Got Nothing On You! by Jake Steinfeld (AMACOM)
  8. If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris (Currency)
  9. One Billion Customers by James MacGregor (Free Press)
  10. Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble (Harvard Business School Press)
  11. Satisfaction by Chris Denove and James D. Power IV (Portfolio)
  12. Treasure Hunt by Michael Silverstein and John Butman (Portfolio)
  13. Redefining Healthcare by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg (Harvard Business School Press)
  14. The Power to Predict by Vivek Ranadive (McGraw-Hill)
  15. The Millionaire Real Estate Mindset by Russ Whitney (Currency)
  16. More Than 85 Broads by Janet Hanson (McGraw-Hill)
  17. Don't Retire, Rewire by Jeri Sedlar and Rick Miners (Alpha Books)
  18. Make Money, Not Excuses by Jeam Chatzky (Crown)
  19. Inside Every Woman by Vickie Milazzo (Wiley)
  20. The Cycle of Leadership by Noel Tichy with Nancy Cardwell (Collins)
  21. The Big Moo by The Group of 33, edited by Seth Godin (Portfolio)
  22. Small Is The New Big by Seth Godin (Portfolio)
  23. The Long Tail by Chris Anderson (Hyperion)
  24. Breaking The Bamboo Ceiling by Jane Hyun (Collins)
  25. Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters by Allen Fishman (McGraw-Hill)