We've been posting a bunch over at the 8cr YouTube site, featuring excerpts from our LeaveSmarter event series, Pecha Kucha Night Milwaukee, and interviews with folks who stop by our office. Tune in and watch vids from Mike Kanazawa, Charles Fishman, Doug Tatum, Leslie Crutchfield, Bill George, Faythe Levine, Tom Crawford, Corey Canfield, and many more. Heat up that tv dinner, settle in your office chair, and check out some live business thought.
We've been posting a bunch over at the 8cr YouTube site, featuring excerpts from our LeaveSmarter event series, Pecha Kucha Night Milwaukee, and interviews with folks who stop by our office. Tune in and watch vids from Mike Kanazawa, Charles Fishman, Doug Tatum, Leslie Crutchfield, Bill George, Faythe Levine, Tom Crawford, Corey Canfield, and many more. Heat up that tv dinner, settle in your office chair, and check out some live business thought.
And stay tuned in. There's much more to come.