A New KnowledgeBlocks Giveaway: Grab Bag!
Everyone loves a grab bag. It's exciting to get a package delivered to your door, and while you know it is from 800-CEO-READ, and so you know it contains business books, it's still so exciting to rip open the flaps and discover what's inside. Due to some traveling and other inconveniences, rather than offer a specific book for a new giveaway--we've got two great books lined up for August, so stay tuned!--I've opened a new grab bag giveaway as we close out the month of July.
So what can you expect in your grab bag? As I mentioned above, you can expect to receive 2 business books. They will probably be hardcover, and they are likely to be from the past year. But they will definitely provide you with some excellent reading as well as offer you knowledge on a subject you may not be all that familiar with. And of course, if the book you receive doesn't interest you, feel free to pass it on to a friend, or add it to one of those little free libraries that are popping up everywhere. You'd even be welcome to add a post on our KnowledgeBlocks forum if you have a book you'd like to trade to someone else.
Just follow this link to sign up to win!
And if you are still not convinced, here are some twitter pictures of the books previous KnowledgeBlocks users have received when participating in our offers: