Author Debra Kaye wants to help you become an innovative thinker, to "make innovation a regular part of life, and it's a skill she believes is available to anyone. And her book,
Red Thread Thinking, will help you "uncover new connections between phenomena that you didn't realize were linked, giving you a fresh understanding and an innovator's edge." To do this, you'll need to "pull the right threads and connect them properly" in order to create something that solves problems for people. After all, innovations that solve problems, Kaye says, are the most that become personal for people, and what becomes personal becomes in demand. A well-balanced mix of the practical and the possible, Red Thread Thinking will teach you how to access your own creative power and create a product and a language that will speak to consumers.
First, what are red threads? "Red Threads are the connecting strands of relationships in which knowledge, memories, and insight are woven together to create a multitextured fabric of seamless interconnectivity. Red Threads can also connect new products and services with consumer desires...." The five threads that Kaye introduces are:
1. Innovation -- It's All In Your Head
2. Everything Old is New
3. People--The Strangest Animals in the Zoo
4. What You See Is What You Get
5. The Force of Passion
The first thread focuses on the neuroscience of creativity; the second on building off already existing ideas; the third on developing observational insight; the fourth encourages product and packaging simplicity; and the final is all about finding "the right balance of confidence and flexibility" in turning you ideas into reality.
Red Thread Thinking is an optimistic book that can bring personal success within arms' reach. Kaye is clear that her target audience is the individual. ("Innovation is individual.") However, she closes her book with a call for increased social responsibility through innovation. Good things happen when people innovate for the good of everyone else.
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