A Word From Northriding, South Africa
Friend of the company Richard Mulholland has one of the cooler companies (and company websites) that we know of. Located in South Africa, Missing Link is on a mission:
Missing Link is a specialist presentation firm, and we're angry. Seriously angry!
Friend of the company Richard Mulholland has one of the cooler companies (and company websites) that we know of. Located in South Africa, Missing Link is on a mission:
Missing Link is a specialist presentation firm, and we're angry. Seriously angry! We're angry at the forced boredom presenters are submitting their audiences to; especially as the alternative is actually easier, and takes less effort. We've made it our mission to end this trend by working with our clients to first ensure that they know what they want to say, and then to ensure that they damn well say it (damn well!)Richard helps keep his company fresh and focused on the basics by periodically reading Your Business Brickyard, which he has been kind enough to review for us.

The ideas behind your purpose transcend your company. The truths of your idea exist whether or not a company is there to put them into practice. The ideas are universal.Think about that for a second. This is primarily a book for business owners of any size (your business, not your waist), however I believe senior management will get a lot out of it too. Final word: Relevant...!