Ask 8cr! - The Life Guide
Ask 8cr! is a section of our blog used as a forum to address the kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
Ask 8cr! is a section of our blog used as a forum to address the kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution. Others then chime in via the comments section. The person with the selected challenge gets a free copy of the book, but everyone who reads these posts, wins. What's your challenge at work? Send it to me at jon(a)800ceoread(dot)com.
Today's challenge deals with how to manage the insanity of work demands on top of other things, you know, like life and happiness:
"My biggest challenge right now is keeping my 6-8 bosses happy. Why 6-8 bosses? That's how many active projects I typically have as a consultant. Each boss wants to be the 'special' one, the one I'll bend the rules for -- "Mary, we know that you usually don't fly on Sundays, but can you be here on Monday morning to attend a meeting with our President?" -or- "Mary, we know that you're booked six weeks in advance, but can you shake a couple of days loose to help us out of a jam?" How do I maintain a life, and keep everyone happy, while still trying to go 'above and beyond' for my clients? - Mary
6-8 bosses? Many of us find it difficult enough to deal with one, so this challenge really jumped out at me. It's likely that Mary has very little time for non-work related, but equally important things such as health, family, and leisure, but how does she even begin to manage the demands and requests of her 8 bosses during working hours?