Atlas Shrugged as a business book
A reader suggested an addition of Atlas Shrugged to the best business book of all time vote we're running. Interestingly a few weeks back the weekly edition of The Week had a quip about Ayn Rand's famous book:
It was revealed that at least 17 universities had accepted $1 million from a wealthy donor under the condition that they make Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged required reading in a course on capitalism from a moral perspective.
If you're a Rand fan, Atlas Shrugged is now up on the book vote site.

It was revealed that at least 17 universities had accepted $1 million from a wealthy donor under the condition that they make Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged required reading in a course on capitalism from a moral perspective.If you're a Rand fan, Atlas Shrugged is now up on the book vote site.