Beard Or Book

Facial hair is a popular accessory at 800ceoread. We have folks who sport both beards and mustaches in the office. It was recently suggested that I should join the crowd; do what all the cool kids are doing.

Facial hair is a popular accessory at 800ceoread. We have folks who sport both beards and mustaches in the office.

It was recently suggested that I should join the crowd; do what all the cool kids are doing. In a short moment of weakness, I decided to jump on the bandwagon...for a limited time.

Under the banner "Beard or Book", I am growing out my beard until we get our book manuscript turned in to our publisher.

Of course, it is silly and of no real consequence, but seems give people the impression that we are working really hard and lack time to do simple things like shave. We have been coming in early to work on edits and have a few people convinced we stayed all night given my new appearance.

We'll keep you updated on both the book and the beard. Both will be gone by next Friday.