Best Business Books via U.S. News and World Report

U. S. News and World Report has a huge special report on the Best Business Books.

U.S. News and World Report has a huge special report on the Best Business Books. Their opening says:

Hundreds of business books are published each year. Chances are at least one has the answers you're looking for. But how to find it? U.S. News spoke with 14 leaders from all walks of business life—from academics to entrepreneurs to corporate execs—about the five books they consider indispensable reading for managers.

When magazines do these lists we always create a summary so people can see the picks in one quick view. The commentary that each leader gives is always interesting, so make sure you click through on the author's name if you see something that interests you.

Good To Great made four appearances on the list and Collins is one of leaders providing reading recommendations. Porter's Competitive Strategy appears twice. Otherwise, the picks are unique. I personally like Jeff Pfeffer's picks and reasons the best.

Best Business Books

Chris Anderson (editor-in-chief of Wired, author of The Long Tail)

Jack Brennan (CEO of Vanguard)

Robert Bruner (Dean of Darden School of Business, University of Virginia)

Jim Buckmaster (CEO of craigslist)

Jim Collins (author of Good to Great)

Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks)

Thomas Donaldson (professor at Wharton School of Business)

Carly Fiorina (former CEO of Hewlett-Packard)

Jackie Fouse (CFO of Alcon)

Robert Joss (dean of Stanford Graduate School of Business)

Jeffery Pfeffer (professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business)

John W. Rogers Jr. (chairman and CEO of Ariel Capital Management)

Hector Ruiz (chairman and CEO of AMD)

Deborah Wright (CEO of Carver Bancorp)

Note: I left a couple books off because the leaders were self-promoting themselves or others associated with them.