Bloomberg suggests business books for gifts

We've been in Chicago for the past two days for our second annual Author Pow-wow. I'll write more on that soon. There's much to share.
We've been in Chicago for the past two days for our second annual Author Pow-wow. I'll write more on that soon. There's much to share. As for the blog, Rebecca had it right the other day. It has been a bit quiet as we have all been so preoccupied and mentally exhausted from two days of conversation. Speed will pick up again soon, I promise. Today's post is a recommendation from James Pressley outlined a handful of financial books (they're all the rage) to give as holiday presents. A few of the books:
  1. The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan
  2. The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  3. A Demon of Our Own Design by Richard Bookstaber
  4. The Last Tycoons by William D. Cohan *his favorite pick of the year and the winner of the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs book award.
  5. Blue Blood & Mutiny by Patricia Beard
  6. Zoom by Iain Carson and Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran
  7. Boeing Versus Airbus by John Newhouse
The full list and descriptions are here.