Canada Tops the List this Month!

Here's what 800-CEO-READ shipped to other countries in March. Here's what they're reading overseas. : The Big Switch - Quebec, Canada Purpose - Besiktas, Istanbul The Quest for Global Dominance: 2nd Edition - Shanghai, China Get Out of Your Own Way - Frankfort, Germany Who's Your City?
Here's what 800-CEO-READ shipped to other countries in March. Here's what they're reading overseas. : The Big Switch - Quebec, Canada
Purpose - Besiktas, Istanbul
The Quest for Global Dominance: 2nd Edition - Shanghai, China
Get Out of Your Own Way - Frankfort, Germany
Who's Your City? - Hamburg, Germany
Strengths Finder 2.0 - Strattford-Upon-Avon, Great Britian
Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators - Florence, Italy
Senior Leadership Teams - Lisboa, Portugal
Forces for Good - Toronto, Canada
Hug Your People - London, Great Britain

This past month, we've seen more books then ever going to many different places, unlike previous times when just one book may have been ordered for businesses in different countries. American business books are getting more popular in other parts of the world. If you haven't ordered these titles yet, you may want to - just to see what could be interesting to companies in these other countries....