Carol Roth + Phil Gerbyshak: Tips for Small Businesses
I spent some time in Chicago yesterday with author and business strategist Carol Roth, and marketing technology strategist Phil Gerbyshak. We talked about a wide range of perspectives, from small business, to authors, bloggers, and more, and one central theme started to develop: small organizations have the flexibility to change, and the proximity to their customers, to make big things happen.
Here's a glimpse into one of those conversations:
Feeling inspired to start your own small business?
I spent some time in Chicago yesterday with author and business strategist Carol Roth, and marketing technology strategist Phil Gerbyshak. We talked about a wide range of perspectives, from small business, to authors, bloggers, and more, and one central theme started to develop: small organizations have the flexibility to change, and the proximity to their customers, to make big things happen.
Here's a glimpse into one of those conversations:
Feeling inspired to start your own small business? Check out Carols hard but smart advice in her new book The Entrepreneur Equation: Evaluating the Realities, Risks, and Rewards of Having Your Own Business. And pay a visit to Phil Gerbyshak to read his latest advice on the always developing world of marketing and technology.