A brand new issue of ChangeThis has been posted for your reading pleasure. This month we have the conclusion to a list from Tom Peters we posted a few years back, as well as a great manifesto by Michael Pollan--author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and the recently released In Defense of Food. We also have a series of drawings on index cards from Jessica Hagy, who has a unique book coming out later this month; a piece on the power of asking questions in the workplace by Corinne Miller; and a veritable blueprint of the legal intricacies involved in making business deals by Noric Dilancian.
A brand new issue of ChangeThis has been posted for your reading pleasure. This month we have the conclusion to a list from Tom Peters we posted a few years back, as well as a great manifesto by Michael Pollan--author of
The Omnivore's Dilemma and the recently released
In Defense of Food. We also have a series of drawings on index cards from Jessica Hagy, who has a
unique book coming out later this month; a piece on the power of asking questions in the workplace by Corinne Miller; and a veritable blueprint of the legal intricacies involved in making business deals by Noric Dilancian. Further descriptions and links are below. Happy reading everyone!

An Eater's Manifesto
by Michael Pollan
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
That, more or less, is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy."

The Power of Intuition: And Why It's the Biggest Myth in Business Today
by Kevin J. Clancy and Peter C. Krieg
"The real issue is how many times do pure hunches alone lead to legendary success? The answer upon closer inspection: pretty rarely."

by Corinne Miller
"Those who ask "why" are typically more holistic or whole-brained thinkers, those who ask "how" are typically more box thinkers, and those who ask "why not" are typically the challenging thinkers. All types, of course, are equally valuable and equally required for innovation!"

Let's Make a Deal: Deal Making Process Improvement Principles
by Noric Dilanchian
"Deal making should be led by process, as well as practical and commercial considerations, not purely legal considerations. It is helpful to think of deals as blueprints for living outcomes, not just glue to bind relationships."

100 Ways to Help You Succeed/Make Money: Part II
by Tom Peters
We published the beginning to a very empowering list three years ago--Tom Peters' 100 Ways to Help You Succeed/Make Money. That list was finished recently, and we now update it here with success tips #51-100 (&1).

Indexing a Career: A Career Path in Pictures
by Jessica Hagy
Jessica Hagy has a unique and irreverent sense of humor, and has the ability to capture complex realities in a 3" by 5" frame. Here she has organized a series of twenty index cards she has created throughout the years, plotting the trajectory of an imagined, but possibly recognizable, career path.