ChangeThis: Issue 100
In thinking of what to do for the 100th issue of ChangeThis, a lot of ideas were conjured up. But, in the end, we decided the most important thing we could do is to keep on doing the work we've been doing since Seth Godin turned the site over to us in the summer of 2005—act as a vehicle for moving ideas in service of authors and our audience.
We did do a few special things with the issue, though.
In thinking of what to do for the 100th issue of ChangeThis, a lot of ideas were conjured up. But, in the end, we decided the most important thing we could do is to keep on doing the work we've been doing since Seth Godin turned the site over to us in the summer of 2005—act as a vehicle for moving ideas in service of authors and our audience.
We did do a few special things with the issue, though. We invited Seth back to lead the issue with some insights from his forthcoming book, The Icarus Deception. We have a manifesto from our General Manager here at 800-CEO-READ, Jon Mueller, related to his ongoing, multidisciplinary project Death Blues. And we also have a manifesto from Michael J. Mauboussin, the only author featured in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time—written by our founder Jack Covert and former president Todd Sattersten, but a labor of love for the whole 800-CEO-READ family—with a new book out this month. The book, The Success Equation, is great, and we think you'll love the manifesto. Rounding out the issue are Scott Schwerlty, Bryan Mattimore, and Nikos Acua—all original thinkers with great perspectives on business and life.
We hope you enjoy the issue. Until next month...