ChangeThis: Issue 113

How to Build Meaning, Impact, and Opportunity with Your Body of Work by Pamela Slim “The new world of work requires a new lens and skill set to ensure career success. You must create your own body of work as you operate in different organizational systems and structures. ” Trust Trends 2014: An Executive Brief on How to Gain the Ultimate Competitive Advantage from Key Opportunities Embedded in the Year’s Trends by David Horsager & Reid Velo “Stories of distrust are overflowing from the news.

How to Build Meaning, Impact, and Opportunity with Your Body of Work
by Pamela Slim

"The new world of work requires a new lens and skill set to ensure career success. You must create your own body of work as you operate in different organizational systems and structures."

Trust Trends 2014: An Executive Brief on How to Gain the Ultimate Competitive Advantage from Key Opportunities Embedded in the Year's Trends by David Horsager & Reid Velo

"Stories of distrust are overflowing from the news. Worse yet, leaders are leaving our world vulnerable. The trust crisis appears to be an inescapable cycle, but we believe there is hope."

Leading from Above the Line by Steve Satterwhite

"In the wake of the great recession, in businesses and organizations around the world, we have a crisis on our hands. But it's not the crisis we all think it is and talk about. It's worse. ... We don't have an Employee Engagement crisis. We have a Leadership Engagement crisis."

The DO! Manifesto: The Pursuit of Xceptional Execution by Kevin Kelly

"What if I told you many successful entrepreneurs didn't start with a compelling vision or indeed a workable business plan? Guess what: That's true. ... Xceptional execution is about taking a relatively simple idea from brainstorm to breakout hit."

Inspiration Made Simple by Baldev Seekri

"Inspiration is the most used and abused word in our daily existence. Whether it is business, politics, sports, or any other endeavor of life, inspiration is considered to be the panacea or silver bullet which can transform personal lives and propel organizations to unbelievable heights."

Grow Up and Lead: A Manifesto by Lisa Rosendahl

"Let's get a few things straight right from the start: Leadership is not about coming to work on time, dressing professionally or having a firm handshake. ... The moment you think, 'I've got this' is the very same moment you've lost it. Leadership is one of the hardest things you will ever do. And make no mistake about this... you are on your own."