ChangeThis: Issue 114

Four Forces for Economic Dominance to Unleash the Second American Century by Joel Kurtzman “The United States is about to enter a period of prolonged economic growth, filled with opportunity. It’s not the emerging market countries that will power the world into the next economic era. It’s the United States.

Four Forces for Economic Dominance to Unleash the Second American Century by Joel Kurtzman

"The United States is about to enter a period of prolonged economic growth, filled with opportunity. It's not the emerging market countries that will power the world into the next economic era. It's the United States."

A Brand-Builder's Guide to the Universe: 17 Ways to Build a Great Brand Today by Denise Lee Yohn

"Companies with great brands conceive of their brands as complete strategic platforms. They identify the key values and attributes that define their brands and then use them to fuel, align, and guide everything they do."

The Calorie Myth Manifesto: How We Can Eat More And Exercise Less—Smarter by Jonathan Bailor

"Over the past few decades, we've been trying harder and harder to be healthy and fit. The result: We got heavy and sick. What's going on here? When did healthy and fit start making us heavy and sick?"

The Thought Leader Manifesto: Strategies for Building & Leveraging Your Influence by Denise Brosseau

"Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, or a non-profit leader, your success is often dependent upon your ability to engage and enroll influencers to get on board with your ideas."

Don't Block Up the Hall: Bob Dylan's Advice on Climate Change?
by Leidy Klotz

"In perhaps his most influential civil rights era song, Bob Dylan asked senators and congressmen to 'please heed the call.' ... But Dylan went on to warn these leaders: 'Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall.' His sage advice to allow other contributions is now as relevant as ever."