ChangeThis: Issue 116

How Your Biases Make You Blind by Faisal Hoque & Drake Baer “If a company is homogenous in form, it leads to a lack of understanding of what value the customer wants. That misunderstanding is the seed of disruption, for the gap between the value you think your customers want and the value your customers actually want is precisely the space where a competitor can replace you. ” Heed Your Call by David M.

How Your Biases Make You Blind by Faisal Hoque & Drake Baer

"If a company is homogenous in form, it leads to a lack of understanding of what value the customer wants. That misunderstanding is the seed of disruption, for the gap between the value you think your customers want and the value your customers actually want is precisely the space where a competitor can replace you."

Heed Your Call by David M. Howitt

"You have been invited to heed your call, and now it is up to you to decide where you go from here. You are the result of the choices you make every single day, and what you choose, you become. To choose wisely, be a witness to your thoughts and actions. How you choose to respond to this call is what will define and shape your future."

Your Product or Service Is Either Relevant or It's Worthless: Three Things You Need to Do to Make Sure It's Relevant by Andrea Coville & Paul B. Brown

"In an environment where literally thousands of messages are competing for attention, how do you get people to pay attention to your business, message, or offering? Simply put: by being relevant."

Finding Excellence: How to Give and Be Our Best Every Day
by Harry Paul & John Britt

"What many call excellence is actually average incognito. So the first step is to come to know what this elusive term called excellence really is. Once you view excellence in its purest form, then you can set your course with a compass that clearly shows if you are on the right path."

How to Cultivate Winning Relationships by Morag Barrett

"Having fun and feeling satisfied with relationships at work are important! For many of us, the hours we spend at work far exceed the time we spend with our families or in social settings. So why not actually enjoy this massive part of our lives? When you cultivate winning relationships, everyone involved can benefit—especially you."

Strategic Thinking: A Framework for Individual Executives to Elevate Business by Rich Horwath

"The inability to effectively navigate strategy challenges can have devastating long-term effects on an organization. ... While it's convenient to blame an organization's failings on external factors such as the economy, decisions about strategy account for failure a whopping 70 percent of the time."