ChangeThis: Issue 118

Repairing the Hole in the Boat: How the Poor Can Save Capitalism by John Hope Bryant “What if there was a way to use the power of free market enterprise to lift every American and indeed every human being on the planet to a level of dignity, inclusion, fulfillment, engagement, economic security and stability? Wouldn’t that be a truly noble cause? ” The Accelerating Organization: In a Faster Moving World, We Need Speed and Agility to Keep Up by John P.

Repairing the Hole in the Boat: How the Poor Can Save Capitalism
by John Hope Bryant

"What if there was a way to use the power of free market enterprise to lift every American and indeed every human being on the planet to a level of dignity, inclusion, fulfillment, engagement, economic security and stability? Wouldn't that be a truly noble cause?"

The Accelerating Organization: In a Faster Moving World, We Need Speed and Agility to Keep Up by John P. Kotter

"Organizations everywhere are struggling to keep up with the accelerating pace of change—let alone get ahead of it. The stakes—the financial, social, environmental, and political consequences—are rising in a similar exponential way."

Seven Steps to World Domination by Lori Ann LaRocco

"You don't have to be a billionaire in order to be at the top of your game. In fact, you have more in common with the world's most successful business leaders than you may think—you are probably already using some of the strategies they use without being aware of it."

The Nature of Investing by Katherine Collins

"We are all investors. We invest our time, our energy, our money. We invest every single day, as citizens, as consumers, as businesspeople. [...] We need to reengage with investing in its essential, connected form—to reintegrate our professions with the real world, instead of the world on the screen. But how?"

How to Unlock Employee Ideas to Power Your Organization
by Alan G. Robinson & Dean M. Schroeder

"It is time to change the way we run our organizations. Today, a growing number of organizations are becoming very good at promoting front-line ideas, and as a result are reaching extraordinary levels of performance."

Against the Odds: Startups that Make It by Derek Lidow

"It is one of our saddest economic statistics: More than half small businesses fail within a few years of startup. ... I think that the solution is deceptively simple: entrepreneurs should stop thinking so much about the idea behind the business and focus instead on how to lead it."