ChangeThis: Issue 119

The Most Important Company In the World: Intel, Moore’s Law, and the Heartbeat of Civilization by Michael S. Malone “We now live differently, learn differently, communicate differently, an ultimately, think differently. … We have internalized Moore’s Law.

The Most Important Company In the World: Intel, Moore's Law, and the Heartbeat of Civilization by Michael S. Malone

"We now live differently, learn differently, communicate differently, an ultimately, think differently. ... We have internalized Moore's Law. Its beat is now our heartbeat; its pace of change is now the heartbeat of civilization."

The Road (to Reinvention) Is Calling by Josh Linkner

"Companies, communities, and individuals fall for many reasons, but one of the most common—and easily avoidable—is the failure to reinvent. Those who feel the most secure in the status quo are in fact the most vulnerable. ... The disruption of ongoing innovation eventually topples any organization that fails to keep moving—to reinvent."

The Four Faces of Change: A Tool for Change Readiness by Kevin Allen

"I don't believe much in change 'management.' That suggests we have the power to change forces much greater that we are. I do very much believe in change readiness—preparing yourself and your team for the opportunities that change affords."

The Digital Marketer's Manifesto by Lisa Leslie Henderson & Larry Weber

"To succeed in a customer-centric world, we must truly see our customers. Not stalk them, but understand them. ... Indeed, the ability to see—to know where to look, to decode meaning from a glut of information and interactions, and reflect that understanding in our customer experience—is today's primary source of competitive advantage."

Gravy Train or Train Wreck? Which Leadership Train Are You On?
by Kirk Dando

"All leaders are conductors, steering their corporate 'trains' onward, upward and ever forward with knowledge, experience, confidence and enthusiasm—and, above all else, passion and a sure and steady hand. So ... exactly what kind of train are you running here?"

The Caring Mandate by Carol Sanford

"It is very common to hear sales and marketing leaders talk about 'relationship.' ... We have to go toward something deeper and more at the core of relationship. I call it the Essence-to-Essence connection. Something in us connects with something outside of us, at a core level, and meaningful magic happens."