ChangeThis: Issue 73

What do Russia's leading poet of the pre-revolutionary symbolist school and the creator of the great hippie handbook Whole Earth Catalog have in common. Find out in the 73rd issue of ChangeThis! ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ The Internet as Social Movement by n+1 “From the first, and in no small part because of its fervent supporters, it has felt less like a technology and more like a social movement—like communism, like feminism, like rock and roll.
What do Russia's leading poet of the pre-revolutionary symbolist school and the creator of the great hippie handbook Whole Earth Catalog have in common. Find out in the 73rd issue of ChangeThis!


The Internet as Social Movement by n+1

"From the first, and in no small part because of its fervent supporters, it has felt less like a technology and more like a social movement—like communism, like feminism, like rock and roll. An ideology we could call webism. While the rest of us look up movie times, buy sweaters, and post jihadi videos, the webists proclaim the new age."

The Road to Pandora by James P. Othmer

"For those who work in advertising, simply being fascinated with the future isn't enough. We have to glean insight from it and process it and wrap it up in a bright shiny message that sells this incrementally better future to the rest of the human race (or, at the very least, our target market), brought to you on behalf of Brand X."

The Fallacy of the Great Idea by Trevor Ginn

"Many entrepreneurs feel that they cannot start a business without a great idea. They believe it will be impossible to succeed without a completely new concept, as the market will already be cornered by established businesses. Only by venturing into uncharted territory can they achieve their dreams. This is the fallacy of the great idea."

How Time Pressures Shape Behavior (And Provide Clues to Solve Thorny Issues in Business, Health, and Society) by Adrian Ott

"No matter whether you are a business, government entity, or non-profit organization, understanding the Time-onomic forces that shape behavior and define a situation provides clues to solve some of our most challenging issues in business, health, and society."

The Female Vision: Defining Womens Strategic Strengths by Sally Helgesen & Julie Johnson

"We believe that what women see—what they notice and value and how they perceive the world in operation—is a greatly under-exploited resource in organizations. In this manifesto, we explore what the female vision is, what it has to offer, and why it matters—to women, to organizations and to the world. In this manifesto, we explore what the female vision is, what it has to offer, and why it matters—to women, to organizations and to the world."

The Six Invaluable Factors by Dave Crenshaw

"Every day the market you work in—regardless of the industry—asks 'Are you invaluable?' Did you answer the question satisfactorily today? Well done. Get ready to answer it again tomorrow."