ChangeThis: Issue 86

The Art of Hassle Map Thinking by Adrian J. Slywotzky with Karl Weber “We’ve found that organizations that excel at demand creation . .

The Art of Hassle Map Thinking by Adrian J. Slywotzky with Karl Weber

"We've found that organizations that excel at demand creation ... examine the lives of customers through the lens of what we call a Hassle Map—a detailed study of the problems, large and small, that people experience whenever they use their products."

The Best Leader in the World: It Could Be You by Jon Wortmann, Jay Therrien, and Tom Endersbe

"As daunting as leadership can be, what you need to do is straightforward. We're about to teach you a model that will make you the kind of leader whose team people beg to join; and the kind of person who develops other leaders as a natural part of your every day work and life."

At the Speed of Seth: What I Learned Working With Seth Godin and the Domino Project by Michael Bungay Stanier

"Getting anything up and flying is a tricky business. I'm still learning how to catch the wind just right in most of the things I do. This story is about launching a new project, a book. But if it was a kite, right now we'd be seeing it crashed and broken on the ground."

The Most Important Sales Conversations You'll Ever Have by Mike Schultz & John E. Doerr

"Success as a rainmaker depends on your ability to lead masterful sales conversations from 'hello' to 'let's go,' but the first sales conversation, the most important sales conversation, happens before you talk to actual prospects. The most important sales conversation you have... is the one you have with yourself."

The Six Rules Women Must Break in Order to Succeed by Jill Flynn, Kathryn Heath, and Mary Davis Holt

"To rise to the highest ranks in business, women need to unwind some of the traditional thinking that holds us back. We need to rethink the conversations we are having in our heads and tell ourselves a new story. We need to break our own rules."

How to Capture a New Market by Stephen Wunker

"New markets are too poorly understood and change too quickly for the standard approaches of graphing trend lines and computing market share. Here are 10 approaches that work—for businesses and the people within them—when the market is fuzzy and in flux ... "