ChangeThis: Issue 87

Starting this month, ChangeThis manifestos will have a slightly different look. We've had repeated requests from readers to make our manifestos easier to read on their mobile devices, and we've done just that. Our designer extraordinaire, Joy Panos Stauber of Stauber Design Studios in Chicago, Illinois is the woman who makes our manifestos sparkle every month, and she has now designed a new template for them that retains most of the visual elements you're all familiar with, while tweaking the dimensions, margins, and aspect ratio to make it more mobile-friendly.

Starting this month, ChangeThis manifestos will have a slightly different look.

We've had repeated requests from readers to make our manifestos easier to read on their mobile devices, and we've done just that. Our designer extraordinaire, Joy Panos Stauber of Stauber Design Studios in Chicago, Illinois is the woman who makes our manifestos sparkle every month, and she has now designed a new template for them that retains most of the visual elements you're all familiar with, while tweaking the dimensions, margins, and aspect ratio to make it more mobile-friendly.

We're really pleased with what she has come up with and hope you like it, as well.

And now, here are this month's manifestos.

Guarding the Guards: Crushing the Bureaucratic Rules that Limit Success by Tom Rieger

"As managers are forced to do more with less, contend with limited resources, or battle for headcount and budget, many will begin to build walls to help protect their ability to meet their own local goals. Unfortunately, sometimes those walls become so high that those inside lose sight of the ultimate outcome. Their world becomes defined by the piece, and not the puzzle."

How Unplanning Your Business Can Make It Happen Faster How Unplanning Your Business Can Make It Happen Faster by Ian Sanders & David Sloly

"The problem with writing a fixed plan is that you can get stuck in amber mode. You get so bogged down with hypotheticals, financial modeling and revenue projections that your cool business idea gets stuck in a spreadsheet and the light never goes green."

Responding Effectively to Workplace Bullying: Managing Behavior at the Time of an Attack by Aryanne Oade

"This manifesto is written against a backdrop of increasing bullying at work. Its objective is to equip you with the interpersonal know-how and the insight you need to respond effectively to incidents of bullying workplace."

Reinventing the Wheel: Creating Lifetime Customers by Chris Zane

"Creating lifetime customers requires that you offer every customer or potential customer more service than they consider reasonable. Further, it means that you actively solicit customer feedback about what you could be doing better and use that information to expand and tweak your offerings to best service the customer."

The Power of Trust and Mistrust by Dr. Judith Bardwick

"When trust levels are high, so is the quality and performance of business—and the reverse is also true. These facts are demonstrated dramatically when we look at the financial outcomes of companies that are among the best to work for and their peer companies that aren't."

Go Do: How Hard Can It Be? by Lou Imbriano

"It's important to realize that the only true barrier in life is you. Sure, there can be obstacles that you face every day and people who are impediments to achieving your goals, but ultimately, you will be the reason that you achieve or fail."