ChangeThis: Issue 96

"Today's work environment has been dubbed everything from the Age of Distraction and the Age of Inattention ... The bottom line is this: regardless of your job title, we are all trying to accomplish increasingly more with increasingly less resources—whether those resources are money, time, focus, or energy."

"I believe that collaborative organizations can make the world a better place. ... I believe that for the first time in history organizations are able to deploy technologies and strategies that not only impact the lives of employees in the workplace but also outside of the workplace, and both for the better."

"The fact that most philosophers and innovators have acted like crusaders does not prove that this is the right way to live. In fact, the opposite if true. ... When it comes to practical wisdom, entrepreneurs are light-years ahead of crusaders."

"No matter what your first job is, your second job is self-promotion. ... To do this effectively, you need to have ALL of your touch points mapped out, and they need to be designed and actively managed."

"By studying, researching, and observing over a thousand clients, I discovered three things the most successful do that others don't. ... When used together, these three powerful principles will catapult you to the next level in your career and ensure future success."

"The order in life that affects us all is contained in a code, the identity code. Much like our biological genetic code, our identity code is born into each of us, providing a complete map of how we, as human beings, are designed to function—of how we are supposed to live—when we are living according to who we are."