ChangeThis: Issue 97

by Dov Seidman
"HOW. We'll see that word a lot in this manifesto. Simply stated, HOW is the belief that in our more interconnected and interdependent world, we rise and fall together. The way to forge a better, more sustainable path of growth and progress lies in the realm of human behavior—HOW we do what we do."

by Nacie Carson
"As humans, we have the power to direct our response. We can consciously choose how to change the shape of our beaks... or at least consciously choose how we respond to the changes in our environment. And that environmental change we face now, today, is an economic one."

"Innovation and creativity can only exist with the wonder of not knowing. I wonder what will happen if I mix this thing here with this thing over here. I don't know but would love to find out. Curiosity is born from not knowing. Not knowing therefore can help us change and grow."

"Employee engagement remains low because fear kills innovation and fear continues as the dominant management mechanism. ... Fear blocks employees' ability to say 'yes' to customer needs [and] to act on opportunities to innovate."

"Whereas methodology, milestones and measurements are extremely important for any journey of achievement and they have their place in the execution stage of the journey, what is required in the earliest stage of the journey is to make the participants of the journey perceive the worthiness of the task at hand."

by Karen Martin
"More than 80 percent of improvement efforts fail to make a discernible difference in overall business performance, regardless of the improvement methodology in use. The reason isn't a flaw in the methodologies, but a flaw inside of companies."