Conversations for Change

I first met Shawn Kent Hayashi at our Author Pow Wow early this year. Her talk at the Pow Wow, as well as her book, Conversations for Change: 12 Ways to Say it Right When it Matters Most, are about understanding communication styles, and developing your own in order to achieve objectives and strengthen relationships. Recently, Shawn asked me a few questions about good books for leaders, and my opinions of communication that works, and doesn't.
I first met Shawn Kent Hayashi at our Author Pow Wow early this year. Her talk at the Pow Wow, as well as her book, Conversations for Change: 12 Ways to Say it Right When it Matters Most, are about understanding communication styles, and developing your own in order to achieve objectives and strengthen relationships. Recently, Shawn asked me a few questions about good books for leaders, and my opinions of communication that works, and doesn't. Read our chat here, and think about how your communication style works well, and about the ways it could be improved. Then check out Shawn's book for some great ideas on how to create your own conversations for change.