Drucker Recommends Drucker Books
In Jeffrey Krames October 2008 Portfolio book called Inside Drucker's Brain--based on an all day one-on-one visit with the Drucker shortly before he died--he asked Drucker about his books, among other things.
Drucker told me what he felt were his most important books. The first one was no surprise, but one or two if the others were.
In Jeffrey Krames October 2008 Portfolio book called Inside Drucker's Brain--based on an all day one-on-one visit with the Drucker shortly before he died--he asked Drucker about his books, among other things.
Drucker told me what he felt were his most important books. The first one was no surprise, but one or two if the others were.When you want to know, go the the master.
- Concept of the Corporation (1946)
- The Practice of Management (1954)
- Managing for Results (1964)
- The Effective Executive (1966)
- The Age of Discontinuity (1969)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985)