End of Days

I was surfing the net looking for books for a client when I came across the desk calendar for The Power of Now 2008. OK, I know it is just the beginning of December and all and I should have realized this before, but it's going to be 2008 soon! And with all the hubbub of the holidays we tend to not think about our desks at work.

I was surfing the net looking for books for a client when I came across the desk calendar for The Power of Now 2008. OK, I know it is just the beginning of December and all and I should have realized this before, but it's going to be 2008 soon! And with all the hubbub of the holidays we tend to not think about our desks at work. But we should, because we'll all get back to the old routine and find out, hey, I don't have a fun desk calendar! Or, why didn't I get that for so-and-so??

Hey! Before it gets to be 2008 take some time for yourself (and for a co-worker or the business person in the family) and check these other items out too! If you mention my name when you order you get free regular shipping on these until the end of the year - regardless of quantity. Just mention my name when you call or in the comment field on-line!

Here you go:

The New York Times Sunday Crossword Puzzles 2008
Four Agreements 2008
Dilbert 2008
The Office 2008: Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes...on Sticky Notes!

Oh and Happy New Year!