Extinction and Distinction
Over on the Excerpts and Essays Blog, we have two posts from Scott McKain about his new book Collapse of Distinction. The first is the problem and is called The Destroyers of Differentiation. His second piece is the solution and is titled Four Cornerstones of Distinction.
In addition to the content, the book is being marketed with distinction. This is the first of two books from Thomas Nelson released under their NelsonFree Program. As CEO Michael Hyatt said on his blog when announcing and explaining the program, "After readers purchase a book with the NelsonFree logo, they receive a code that enables them to download an audio MP3 file and several types of e-book files, including EPub, MobiPocket, and PDF."
Thomas Nelson is the first major publisher who has linked formats to one another. This is a pilot program with Collapse of Distinction and I Will Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse by former mob boss Michael Franzese. It will be interesting to watch this evolve. The next step would be allowing the purchase of any format to get the others, in particular the digital text to get the audio.
Kudos to McKain and Thomas Nelson for experimenting!