Feel free to submit your Crowdsourcing questions

This afternoon I'm interviewing Jeff Howe, author of Crowdsourcing. * Back in 2006, Jeff coined the phrase of crowdsourcing in his article for Wired magazine. Crowdsourcing, a play on outsourcing, is the idea of using crowds to solve problems, invent and generally, get work done.
This afternoon I'm interviewing Jeff Howe, author of Crowdsourcing.* Back in 2006, Jeff coined the phrase of crowdsourcing in his article for Wired magazine. Crowdsourcing, a play on outsourcing, is the idea of using crowds to solve problems, invent and generally, get work done. Think, Wikipedia, Threadless, and iStockPhoto. The crowds are changing business as we know it. And since I'm interviewing Jeff today, I thought it only right to ask you (the crowd) to submit questions you might have about Crowdsourcing. If you have any questions, submit your questions by 1:30pm CST and I'll make a point to ask Jeff. ------- * On bookshelves everywhere on in late August.