Financial Times Asks "What Is Best Business Book of All Time?"
In conjunction with their Business Book of The Year Award, The Financial Times is asking the question: "What is the best book of all time?" They solicited suggestions from a wide variety of business executives, including GE's Jeff Immelt and Ebay's Meg Whitman. The editorial staff then created a short list using the same criterea as their yearly awards. The finalists are:
- Barbarians at the Gate, by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar (1990)
- The Effective Executive, by Peter Drucker (1966)
- Good to Great, by Jim Collins (2001)
- The Innovator's Dilemma, by Clay Christensen (1997)
- The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith (1776)
You can cast your vote and leave comments if you think they missed the mark with their selections.