Get Justice This Weekend with Michael J. Sandel

Michael J. Sandel has long had the most popular undergraduate course at Harvard. "Justice" has enrolled over 14,000 students since it began, and been so popular that, in 2007, Harvard began making the course available to alumni around the world through webstreaming and podcasting.
Michael J. Sandel has long had the most popular undergraduate course at Harvard. "Justice" has enrolled over 14,000 students since it began, and been so popular that, in 2007, Harvard began making the course available to alumni around the world through webstreaming and podcasting. It has also been turned into a twelve part series on PBS and a best-selling book, Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?.

This weekend, thanks to the book's publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux, you have a chance to participate directly in the conversation—and all you need is a telephone.

How Does It Work?

The format, called Teleforum, allows readers to go deeper into the book by interacting with the author directly. Register below, and you'll receive a free phone call when the Teleforum begins. You'll hear Professor Sandel on the other end, discussing Justice and polling listeners. Using your keypad, you can respond to the polls and even ask a question directly. The Teleforum is completely free for participants and runs for 60 minutes.

The publisher wrote us specifically to help invite the business thought community, so sign up and add your voices to the conversation. To do so, just head over to the event page at FSG's website.