
Hopefully, some of you remember my blog listing about Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation. Well, Harold L. Sirkin, along with 2 other of his colleagues from the Boston Consulting Group have put there minds together in the new book: Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything.
Hopefully, some of you remember my blog listing about Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation. Well, Harold L. Sirkin, along with 2 other of his colleagues from the Boston Consulting Group have put there minds together in the new book: Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything. In the book, Sirkin, Bhattacharya and Hemerling talk about countries such as China, India and Brazil and how they are changing the face of business on a global scale in various ways.

Here's how the book starts:

"Globality is not a new and different term for globalization, it's the name for a new and different global reality in which we'll all be competing with everyone, from everywhere, for everything.
We three, management consultants turned authors, are partners....and have been studying the change in the global business environment - and working with companies involved in it - for more than twenty years. The extensive research that we....have conducted over the past five years set us on a path that led to this book.
When we started out in our international travels, globalization was just getting under way. It was a cavalcade that traveled from West to East - big multinational companies center in Europe, Japan and the United States marching out from their corporate fortresses to foreign lands in search of low-cost manufacturing and low-end markets."