Greenspan on Today Show

Greenspan got the plum spot in the 7:15 spot on the Today Show. There was a pre-recorded piece done with Maria Bartiromo and Matt Lauer did the live interview. The Q&A was awkward, but Greenspan mostly clarifying positions he took in the book ranging from the Iraq War being about oil (he says we needed to deal with Saddam or face $130/barrel) and his lack of opposition to Bush tax-cuts (he says he supported the action, but continually asked how it would be funded).

Greenspan got the plum spot in the 7:15 spot on the Today Show. There was a pre-recorded piece done with Maria Bartiromo and Matt Lauer did the live interview. The Q&A was awkward, but Greenspan mostly clarifying positions he took in the book ranging from the Iraq War being about oil (he says we needed to deal with Saddam or face $130/barrel) and his lack of opposition to Bush tax-cuts (he says he supported the action, but continually asked how it would be funded).

CNBC will present an hour-long program on Greenspan tonight at 9PM Eastern.