Hero Worship

WHOO HOOO!! Check it out! You are a Miserable Excuse for a Hero!, by Bob Powers. It just sounds FUN!
It's an adult choose-your-own-adventure and it pits you as a 30-something that is unable, or afraid, to make decisions. In the book you are a waiter/actor who's date winds up being taken for hostage - what will you do? Police? Get money? Get any help? Seek revenge? Kill someone? Only you decide.
Yes, finally a book for people (whether in business or personal ) that often feel that only if they didn't have to make a certain choice, or that if they could just go back and do something over again....
Of course, NOT making a choice IS a choice!
Says Paul Feig, the creator of "Freaks and Geeks" and the author of Superstud, "You are a miserable excuse for a person if you don't buy this hilarious book. Bob Powers is some kind of comedy genius or something. Frankly I'm scared."