How to peel a banana

How do you peel a banana? If you're like me, you peel it the "wrong" way. That's the way we're taught.
How do you peel a banana? If you're like me, you peel it the "wrong" way. That's the way we're taught. Pinching a banana from the other end is actually easier as we've learned from gorillas. Seth, too, admits to the crime of knowing the "right" way to peel a banana but still insists on peeling it the "wrong" way. Why? It's hard to execute change whether in peeling bananas or reorganizing companies. According to Jim Collins, "fewer than 1% of companies ever make the leap" (from the May 2007 Business 2.0 article, Changing Minds). And, while we're on the topic of bananas, did you know they are easily split into thirds?