International Best Sellers from 800CEOREAD for April

It's been a whole month (and then some) after the last posting of what was being read from across this great world of ours.  So, hold on to your seats. .
It's been a whole month (and then some) after the last posting of what was being read from across this great world of ours. So, hold on to your seats... here's what 8CR sold overseas:

The Venturesome Economy - by Amar Bhide - Trinidad

Baked In - by Alex Bogusky and John Winsor - Spain

Strategy for Sustainability - by Adam Werbach - France

Unlocking Opportunities for Growth - by Ian C. MacMillan and Alexander B. Van Putten - Thailand

Judgment - by Noel M. Tichy and Warren G. Bennis - India

End of the Free Market - by Ian Bremmer - Monaco

Comebacks - by Andrea Redmond and Patricia Crisafulli - Canada