Interviews Galore!
If you haven't been over to the IT Conversations website yet, we would highly recommend it--specifically this interview of Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. He discusses social networking technologies, how they are rarely used as envisioned by their creators, and how they are evolving. Or, listen to Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn of the Environmental Defense Fund talk about their new book, Earth: The Sequel: The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming.
If you haven't been over to the IT Conversations website yet, we would highly recommend it--specifically this interview of Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. He discusses social networking technologies, how they are rarely used as envisioned by their creators, and how they are evolving. Or, listen to Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn of the Environmental Defense Fund talk about their new book, Earth: The Sequel: The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming. They discuss "The New Industrial Revolution," and some of the technologies that can help save the planet.
Personality Not Included author Rohit Bhargava and Accidental Branding author David Vinjamuri have done something rather interesting on their blogs. They interviewed each other, asking ten questions each, and posted the interviews at the same time. You can read David's interview of Rohit here, and Rohit's of David here.
I spoke recently with David Bach, author of Go Green, Live Rich, about how--contrary to popular belief--going green can actually save you money.
And finally, if you can't wait for his book to come out later this year, you can get your Gladwell fix by watching his talk at the 2004 TED Conference, or listening to him tell stories about his time at The Washington Post on This American Life (Act Four of the episode). These two aren't actually interviews, but they are hilarious.