Launching LeaveSmarter
If you're in or near Milwaukee, or will be in Milwaukee, or need a reason to come to Milwaukee this spring, we've got one. Our LeaveSmarter series. Actually, it's three reasons. Made to Stick, Citizen Marketers, and Purpose. We're bringing five business book authors to three events. We hand-picked some of the brightest and smartest business thinkers out there, and we want to introduce them to you.
Last fall 800-CEO-READ brought Bill Taylor (Mavericks at Work) and Carly Fiorina (Tough Choices) to Milwaukee. Overwhelmingly positive feedback reinforced something we suspected about the business community in and around Milwaukee: people are hungry for refreshing, cutting-edge business thought.
LeaveSmarter (coined by the lovely Kate Mytty) is about creating an environment that encourages learning, discussion and creativity. We all know what the typical business event is like...and we all wish it were better. Well, that's what we're trying to do with this series. We want you to feel like you've left with something. We want you to leave smarter.
We'll share with you the Heath brothers, whose new book Made to Stick is full of ideas for making your message stick, work and last. Then, meet Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba, authors of Citizen Marketers. They'll tell us about the new faces of marketing. Finally, join us to hear Nikos Mourkogiannis, author of Purpose, who has an important message about the centrality of purpose in any group.
Go here for more details: