LeaveSmarter: Carol Roth
For those unfamiliar with Carol's work, she comes from the investment banking industry, having raised over a billion dollars in venture capital, as well as completing multi-millions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions for her clients. Her philosophy is solid, but straight-truth, as she calls it, "Tough Love For Business." These ideas are gathered and presented in her New York Times Bestselling book, The Entrepreneur Equation: Evaluating the Realities, Risks, and Rewards of Having Your Own Business.
For this event, the audience consisted mostly of established business owners and executives, so Carol focused her entrepreneurial principles on new product development, growth, partnerships, and other areas of expanding business. One of the most well-attended LeaveSmarter events yet, the captive audience asked many interesting questions - which I would gladly have posted video if our camera were not in for repairs.
For now, to see the event, you'll have to use your imagination along with Dylan's photographs above, and be sure to pick up a copy of Carol's book if you haven't yet. Also, catch her sometime on the Fox Network. Maybe someday she'll have her own show?