links for 2007-08-25
No Man's Land >> Inc. Magazine | "Welcome to No Man's Land"
"Welcome to No Man's Land. Few firms make it to the other side.
"Welcome to No Man's Land. Few firms make it to the other side. But it doesn't have to be that way. A conversation with Doug Tatum."
If retired jocks can write insprational books, I see no reason to exclude retired chess luminaries from the field of management advice, and perhaps xecutives will find Kasparov's prescriptions useful.
Extraordinary Circumstances, Super Crunchers, Golfing on the Roof of the World, A Demon of Our Own Design, The Clarks of Cooperstown, Confessions of a Wall Street Shoeshine Boy, Power Play
Hijacked, over the past two or three decades, by corporate profiteers with a "single-minded focus on profitability," the luxury industry has "sacrificed its integrity, undermined its products, tarnished its history and hoodwinked its consumers."