Marching Along...

I like periodically pointing you to other spots in the 800ceoread family of sites where you might find some things of interest. If you were subscribed to our New Releases Blog, you would have seen that Private Label Strategy, You Inc. , Miracles Medicines, and Punk Marketing were all released yesterday.

I like periodically pointing you to other spots in the 800ceoread family of sites where you might find some things of interest.

If you were subscribed to our New Releases Blog, you would have seen that Private Label Strategy, You Inc., Miracles Medicines, and Punk Marketing were all released yesterday.

The latest audio interview on the Podcasts Blog is with Marshall Goldsmith. He is an executive coach who gets $250,000 to coach an individual and only gets paid if that person gets better as determined by feedback from their reports and peers. His new book is What Got You Here Won't Get You There. It is written for successful people who want to be more successful.

I am jumping the gun slightly on this last one, but there will be a new set of manifestos over on ChangeThis next week. Sally posted a list of the top downloaded manifestos for January, so you could read How To Be Creative, You Are Being Lied To or Reclaim Your Life in the meantime.